Dear Sir or Madam,
on behalf of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation I would like to kindly invite you to apply for participation at introduction of our newest publication on state owned enterpriseseSOS SOEs! connected to public debate:
Role of state owned enterprises in central European Markets
In a perfect world, the state would not find it necessary to interfere in market activities nor have a mandate to do so. However, since we are far from an ideal situation, we must make do with what we have. And what we still have in Eastern Europe are state-own enterprises. The aim of this debate is to give an overview of the existing practices employed by governments in SOEs and find possible solutions to make their operation less inconvenient for businesses.
Public debate will take place on 29th November from 17:30 to 19:00 in the Eurostars Thalia Hotel (Národní 13, Prague 1).
Key note speaker: Barbora MICKOVA, LEO Express (CZ) on how a private company can penetrate state controlled market
Eszter NOVA, journalist (HU) on how to use SOE to increase your political power
Steffen HENTRICH, senior analyst in Liberal Institute (DE) on German energetic transition to green energy
Aleksander LASZEK, chief economist in FOR (PL) on the end of privatization under ultra-conservative government
Kryštof KRULIŠ, founder of Consumer Forum (CZ) on liberalization of Czech railway market
Debate will be moderated by Jan Klesla, political commentator from Lidové Noviny.
Working language of the debate is English, interpretation is not provided. Please let us know of your interest by responding to this email. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Detmar Doering

Institut liberálních studií je český klasicky liberální think tank se sídlem v Praze. Byl založen v červenci 2020. Institut liberálních studií byl založen s cílem rozvíjet a aplikovat ideje a programy založené na principech klasického liberalismu. Institut nepobírá žádné veřejné dotace a granty a ani se o ně neuchází.
Mezi lety 2020–2024 se jmenoval Liberální institut a navazuje na tradici původního českého Liberálního institutu, který fungoval mezi lety 1989–2020.