Svoboda jednotlivce, volný trh, malý stát a mír
Liberální institut

(Not So) Smart Regulation – veřejná debata


Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and Liberální institut cordially invite you to the presentation of the new issue of 4Liberty.eu Review and the public discussion:

(Not So) Smart Regulation

Date & Time : 13 May 2019, 17:00-19:00

Venue: CEVRO Institute, Jungmannova 28/17, 110 000 Nové Město, Prague


Nobody seriously doubts that rules are necessary in order to make human relations peaceful and effective. They also can make spontaneous and free economic processes more friction-free and reduce transaction costs. But rules have to serve the people, not the regulators. How much must be regulated and how? Regulations may limit freedom unnecessarily. Regulations may thwart creativity and productivity. Has the knowledge about the qualitative, freedom-enabling dimension of regulation been lost in recent years? Have we become over-regulated and badly regulated?

In our panel discussion we will look at the ways how all levels of government – from local to EU – can minimise the burden of regulation and how to find a way to smarter and efficiency-enhancing rules.


17:00              Registration

17:25               Welcoming remarks by Dr. Detmar Doering, Head of Project Central Europe and the Baltic States at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

17:30 – 19:00   Public discussion (followed by Q&A)

  • Radovan Ďurana, Co-Founder and Analyst at INESS (Slovakia)
  • Aneta Vainė, Vice President of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (Lithuania)
  • Martin Pánek, Director of the Liberální institut (Czech Republic) 
  • Marcin Zieliński, Economist at the Civil Development Forum (Poland)
  • Petr Kleisner, Department of Business Environment and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Industry and Trade (Czech Republic)

Moderator: Dominik Stroukal

Join us for a glass of wine after the event and get a free copy of the 4Liberty.eu Review!

Kindly register at info@libinst.cz by May 10, 2019

This event will be held in English without the provision of interpreting services.



O Autorovi


Institut liberálních studií je český liberální think-tank. Naším cílem je propagace myšlenek svobody jednotlivce, volného trhu, minimální vlády a míru.

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